Spanish diphthongs, triphthongs and hiatos (A2)

Diphthongs in SpanishDo you know what are the SPANISH DIPHTHONGS? Because in this lesson we will learn how to pronounce correctly when there are two or more vowels in the same syllable, as you probably have already noticed happens very often in Spanish. First look at the example on the right the difference between a syllable and a diphthong, for example.

Diphthongs in Spanish

Diphthongs (diptongos in Spanish) are a combination of one strong (a, e, o) and one weak vowel (i, u), or of two weak vowels. Diphthongs are counted as one syllable. It may not be separated unless the weak vowel bears a written accent called “tilde”:

   ai, ay aire, hay pronounce like “eye”
    ei, ey reino, ley pronounce like “may”
   oi, oy oigo, hoy pronounce like “toy”
   iu triunfo, ciudad pronounce like “you”
   ui, uy cuidar, muy pronounce like “Louie”
   ue hueso, muerte pronounce like “west”
   au jaula, Paula pronounce like “now”
   eu feudal, reuma pronounce like “eh + oo”
   ia estudiamos pronounce like “yacht”
   ie miel, quiero pronounce like “ye”
   ua cuatro, mensual pronounce like “watt”
   uo cuota, antiguo pronounce like “quota”

Notice that many Spanish irregular verbs have diphthongs: quiero, siento, duermo, juego…

What is a Spanish triphthong?

The combination of a stressed strong vowel between two weak vowels that forms a single syllable is a triphthong (triptongo in Spanish). There are only four possible combinations of triphthongs in In Spanish:

   iai estudiáis pronounce like “yipe”
   iei estudiéis pronounce like “yea”
   uai (uay) continuáis, Paraguay pronounce like “wine”
   uei (uey) continuéis, buey pronounce like “wade”

How to break a diphthong or triphthong

If the weak vowel is stressed, there is a separation called hiato, these are not diphthongs: ca-í-da, dí-a, rí-en, Ma-rí-a, tí-os, re-í-mos, re-ú-ne…

It also an hiato when the combination of two strong vowels is separated: ca-e-mos, re-a-li-dad, le-en, em-ple-o, a-e-ro-pla-no…

diphthongues, triphthongs and hiatos in Spanish

Pronouncing vowels correctly in Spanish is extremely important and not always easy, so I am leaving you a video below that will be very helpful but remember that practise makes perfect and by repeating you will get your goals.

Practice Spanish diphthongs and triphthongs 

Now we are going to practice everything with an exercise, just listen and write the word in the crossword, all of them have diphthongs or triphthongs. Remember to contact your tutor if you have any question. Don’t you have a Spanish tutor online yet? You can also leave us a message if you want we prepare more activities about Spanish phonetic and pronunciation.

Spanish diphthongs pronunciation

Spanish pronunciation is not difficult but needs some practice, listen and repeat as much as you can the words in this video, paying special attention to the vowels and diphthongs.

Take an individual tutorship if you want to practice and improve the diphthongs and in general the Spanish pronunciation.

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